Author: Paulo Barbosa
Challenge: 26
Topic: Aliens

Special Announcement

Hello everybody, I would like to inform all of you that we have a new artist in the Pen Tablet Incorporated.
Here name is
Melis Seylan. Melis is working as a matte painter in Anima, one of the biggest animation studios in Turkey. She his a very talented artist and I would like to welcome our new friend and invite all our followers and artists to visit the blog.

Please visit: http://thebocuk.blogspot.com/

Thank you all for visiting Pen Tablet Incorporated,
Paulo Barbosa

Special Announcement

Hello everybody, I would like to inform all of you that we have a new artist in the Pen Tablet Incorporated.
Here name is
Kei Liwanag.
Kei Liwanag, is an artist from the Philippines. She is currently working as a digital colorist at IAS Manila Studio.
She his a very talented artist and I would like to welcome our new friend and invite all our followers and artists to visit the blog.Please visit: http://artblog.i.ph/blogs/artblog/

Thank you all for visiting Pen Tablet Incorporated,
Paulo Barbosa
Author: Nuno Miguel
Challenge: 26
Topic: Aliens

Another one?

Special Announcement

Hello everybody, I would like to inform all of you that we have a new artist in the Pen Tablet Incorporated.
His name is Ömür Özgür
. Until 1998 he worked as graphic designer/art director in some advertisement agencies. During university education he worked both as the editor and illustrator in “Devedikeni” and “Mezun” comic papers. Starting from that period, behind desktop publishing, he is interested in 3D animation, post-production and digital illustration fields of design.
He is now living in Istanbul and working as a freelance matte painter/ concept designer.
He his a very talented artist and I would like to welcome our new friend and invite all our followers and artists to visit his blog.

Please visit: http://www.omurozgur.net

Thank you all for visiting Pen Tablet Incorporated,
Paulo Barbosa

Special Announcement

Hello everybody, I would like to inform all of you that we have a new artist in the Pen Tablet Incorporated.
His name is
Kurt Williams.
Prior to working in the game industry, Kurt was as architectural illustrator and freelance airbrush for ad agencies in Chicago
. He is working in the game industry for 13 years and his work shows a great personal style in colour choices and composition that gives a great harmony to his work.
He his a very talented
artist and I would like to welcome our new friend and invite all our followers and artists to visit his blog.
Please visit: http://williamsart.home.comcast.net

Thank you all for visiting Pen Tablet Incorporated,
Paulo Barbosa
Author: Kaishou Kaito
Challenge: 26
Topic: Aliens
Special Announcement

Hello everybody, I would like to inform all of you that we have a new artist in the Pen Tablet Incorporated.
His name is Riyahd Cassiem. He is a very talented artist from Johannesburg, South Africa. His "tools of the trade" are: zbrush, photoshop. He likes to improve and experiment with his art, using a mixture of 2D and 3D and traditional art to achieve his goals.
He his a very talented
and I would like to welcome our new friend and invite all our followers and artists to visit his blog.Please visit: http://sancient.deviantart.com/

Thank you all for visiting Pen Tablet Incorporated,
Paulo Barbosa
Author: João Amaral
Challenge: 26
Topic: Aliens

"Reflexes in a mirror"
Author: Shane Tyree
Challenge: 26
Topic: Aliens
Author: Minoh Kim
Challenge: 26
Topic: Aliens